Learn Pilates Fundamentals & So Much More
...and have a workout program you actually enjoy.
“This Pilates program was exactly what everyone should be doing after a year like 2020. . . . . taking time out for myself just a few times a week with a guided gentle workout was so fundamental to maintaining my own mental health so I can be a better mother, wife, sister, and friend. Rachel includes additional resources and "Off The Mat" work for mindfulness which were a welcome supplement to the "ON" the mat workouts. I learned a lot, and not just about Pilates!”
“Oh my God! I am just amazed on how this program helped me not just physically but also mentally! I am going through a hard time and the "off the matt" exercise motivates me to go through my day. I have always been having a lower back problem it was so severe that I was not able to get up at all. I went to see a chiropractor, went for a massage healer and they only able to helped me temporarily. I came across Rachel's instagram and saw this program. I thought I would just give it a go and MAN! I can't thank her enough! Lower back pain is one of the most painful thing as you wouldn't be able to enjoy even the simplest day to day things. I really suggest anyone out there who got any body ache to give it a try. Rachel is not just talking about the exercises, but also what to consume, do positive thinking, and also how to get to know your own body. I will do it again next month! Thank you Rachel!”
“I knew Pilates was about the core but I had no idea I would learn so much about my body's posture and how I could fix it to help with my neck pain. The mindset assignments helped with some a-ha moments that have changed my inner dread of working out. I actually looked forward to learning more each week. Now I have the confidence to move forward with YouTube workouts or maybe even look for a class in my area. Thanks for the experience. X,J”
This program was made for you! We start by getting to know the body and spend a whole lesson on learning how to just breathe.
You can! You will start to receive the emails the following Monday but can keep them in your inbox for when you’re ready. The lessons are pre-recorded within the Just Breathe Online Studio and you can complete them on your own time.
Make sure you have cleared it with your doctor before engaging in any exercise program. You can always add on a private virtual lesson with me prior to starting the program, just get in touch.
I as well as past members are available on the private FB group to answer any questions.
The Pilates workouts are 15-20 minutes long and only 3x/week. The Off the Mat assignments are brief and enjoyable. Truth Bomb: You can’t or you won’t find time?
Think of what it’s costing you to NOT prioritize your body and self-care at this point in your life.
Your login access is forever so you can continue to engage in your favorite lessons weekly even after the 4 weeks of email prompts finish.